TRAILER: ‘Unforgiven’ (Yurusarezaru mono)

If there’s one thing I love it’s westerns based on Samurai films. From “A Fistful of Dollars” and “The Magnificent Seven,” they’re always worth a watch. If there’s another thing I love, it’s Samurai movies based on westerns (like every single one made by Akira Kurosawa.)

To see a film that’s a Samurai film based on one of my favorite contemporary westerns, Clint Eastwood’s “Unforgiven,” thrills me to no end.

What’s even better? It stars Ken Watanabe and looks utterly fantastic.

This is one I’ll line up outside the theatre for.

It’s playing in Japan already, and hitting festivals across the US. No word on when it might get a wide (or even art house) release here in the States.