TRAILER: The Muppets ‘Green With Envy’

Add this to my long list of movies I can’t wait to see this year.

I love the Muppets and have for all remembered time. Jason Segal has always been an X factor for me on this project, since I can take him or leave him. “I Love You Man” was pretty boring and by the numbers and I haven’t really seen him in anything else. But anything that brings The Muppets back to the big screen (except a Pirate movie) is good news in my book. Although it was panned, I quite loved “Muppets From Space” and if this is a return to form at that level or higher, I’ll be pleased as punch.

This marketing campaign is interesting. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the setup isn’t going to be in the final film at all.

It doesn’t matter, though.

It’s the Muppets and I want them on my theatre screen.