TOP TEN: Trilogies

Kill here, time for a guest post from a good friend of BSR: John Norton. Over the past couple weeks he has broken down his top ten favorite trilogies.

10 – Spider-Man Trilogy

I didn’t enjoy the Spider-Man movies as much as others, (even though I did really enjoy the third, don’t ask me why) but they were good films and I can never watch just one and have to watch all three.

9 – X-Men Trilogy

This actually would have been much higher on the list if the last movie didn’t drag it down a bit. I can picture people in a meeting coming up with ideas for the third movie and someone saying, “Hey let’s do the Phoenix saga and then kill off Cyclops within the first half hour!” and then someone else saying, “Hey, that’s a good idea!”


8 – Star Wars I, II, III

Yeah, yeah… the movies were horrible blah, blah, blah… despite the horrible directing and over use of special effects, there were many cool scenes and I still enjoy watching them as one big story.

7 – The Matrix Trilogy


The first one was totally original. People complain that 2 and 3 were to confusing and didn’t make sense, but it was still pretty epic altogether.

6 – Evil Dead Trilogy

Not much to say, except that Bruce Campbell is hands down the best actor to ever live.

5 – Back to the Future trilogy

These were some dang ol’ good movies. But it was really hard trying to find a good scene on YouTube.

4 – Star Trek II, III, IV

I know, I know… there are like a million Star Trek movies but these three actually had a continuing storyline with Spock dying, the Enterprise getting destroyed, Spock resurrected and then getting a new Enterprise. I even saw this sold as a trilogy set at Best Buy once, so eat it.

This scene had some awesome music to it, fyi. And yes, I know that my nerd is showing…

3 – Indiana Jones Trilogy

I know they made a fourth, but that doesn’t really count, does it? Indy is such a bad ass here because he basically takes on a whole army by himself.

2 – The Lord of the Rings

One of the best trilogies ever, very well done with awesome effects and music. Although at times these movies tend to drag ass, especially the special editions, so it gets the #2 spot for me.

1 – Pirates of the Caribbean

Psyche!!! just kidding, it’s not those shitty movies.

1 – Star Wars IV, V, VI

Well, what can I say, it stands the test of time… and if you don’t like these movies you’re an F’ing moron.