The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

I’m sure most of you have seen the tragic documentary “Lost in La Mancha” which documented what was perhaps the worst time any one has had filming a movie ever.

Terry Gilliam’s production of “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote” looked to be fantastic, but everything up to and including Acts of God canceled his production.

Good news for you then, it seems as though he’s been able to get the script and Johnny Depp back and cameras are supposedly set to roll sometime next year, so reports the IMDb:

 “As far as we’re concerned, it’s on. When Johnny’s ready, we’re ready. We’re just talking about dates to film.

“Basically it all depends on his schedule but otherwise we’re set. It will be next year some time, before next summer anyway.”

Which is excellent news.  Seriously, I think the most heartbreaking thing about watching “Lost in La Mancha” was that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to see the movie that was to come out of it.  But now I have a renewed hope.

If you want an early look as of to what it will look like, here are the 6 minutes of the film that were already completed: