‘The Hobbit’ on Track for 2012 and 2013 Releases


Earlier today IMAX announced their overall, 20-film deal with Warner Bros. and inadvertently gave “2013” as the release date for the first installment of the two part The Hobbit films, which is not the case. The Hobbit will be comprised of two films total – the first being released in December 2012 and the second in December 2013.

…2011 proved not to be a realistic date and instead served more as a guideline, according to insiders, because when it was first announced, no scripts were written, nor schedules or budgets drawn up.

While the project is taking a bit longer than the filmmakers anticipated, it is now on track for 2012 — rather than the 2013 date mentioned in the Imax release.

The second movie’s script was turned in to the studio a couple of weeks ago, and all parties are starting to break down the financials for the movies now.

Heat Vision Blog

So no worries! The first installment of The Hobbit is only just over 2 1/2 years away, not 3 1/2! Whew!