Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams have teamed up to bring us a movie that until recently was a total mystery. The initial trailer showed us a train de-railing and monster escaping from one of the compartments. This lead to our local robots scratching our heads and saying….it could be good.. It’s J.J. Abrams… but what is it?  This new trailer shows more of the town and the story, and even reveals a bit of the reasoning for its titling. The Hero Complex Blog at the L.A. Times has an interview with Abrams where he reveals more exact information about the movie. When discussing the title he explains:

“Super 8″ takes its name from the Eastman Kodak film format that became a sensation with amateur movie-makers in the late 1960s and represented a rite of passage for several generations of aspiring directors, among them Spielberg and Abrams. The Paramount Pictures release is set in Ohio in 1979 and introduces a troupe of six youngsters who are using a Super 8 camera to make their own zombie movie. One fateful night, their project takes them to a lonely stretch of rural railroad tracks and, as the camera rolls, calamity strikes — a truck collides with an oncoming locomotive and a hellacious derailment fills the night with screaming metal and raining fire. Then something emerges from the wreckage, something decidedly inhuman.

This trailer has me foaming at the mouth, or jaw servo… or… well I guess that’s just oil, the point is I’m excited. This bot will be in line on June 10. It’s right up my alley! Young kids making a zombie film?!  Sold!  Trailer Below