STAR WARS VII: David Tennant Interested

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that every actor or actress that has ever done anything in the realm of nerdery is going to get asked if they want to be in the new Star Wars Trilogy. I imagine it was something that was asked constantly in interviews and press junkets in the mid-nineties. It’s going to continue to be asked now. Forever.

So far we have video of Tom Hiddleston, now David Tennant. How long before somebody gets Nathan Fillion before a camera?

The answers won’t be surprising at all. “Would you want to do Star Wars?” “Of course.”

And it all ends with me rushing to post it here.

Tennant’s involvement with Star Wars began publicly a few weeks ago when he was revealed to be the voice of a thousand year old droid who helped Jedi build their lightsabers on an episode of The Clone Wars. He was also Doctor Who, which makes him awesome.

Source: Star Wars Underworld