Sin City 2 Going Into Production in Late 2010?

 sin_city_05350 marv and whore

According to, Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez will be going into production on ‘Sin City 2’ in the second half of 2010. While there is no word on casting or plot details, it does appear this film will be based on an original script as opposed to being more stories to Miller’s original works.

I enjoyed the first ‘Sin City’. It was fresh, it was different, violent, and awesome. But I find myself barely being able to be excited about the news of a sequel finally moving forward. There have been talks of ‘Sin City 2’ since before the first one even came out. Names like Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp were thrown around right out of the gates, and if I remember right, Jolie herself came out and said she’d “like” to be in a sequel -but that was a few years ago. If they have the intentions of starting production on this sequel in about 8 months or so, I’m sure some casting news will start coming about here in the next few months. We will be sure to keep you posted.