REVIEW: Scream

I’ll preface this with a simple fact. I hate slasher movies, they have to be extraordinary in some way to make me even sort of enjoy them. That being said, I really enjoyed Scream.

Scream is the type of slasher movie meant to be fun. It’s not overwhelming with the grotesque, gruesome, or painful. It’s simply out there to point out obvious plot holes and happenings in slasher movies, all while being a pretty serviceable slasher movie itself. The story is pretty basic, a killer only known as “ghost face” begins hacking up teenagers in a small town, and of course the only ones prepared to stop it, are the tens themselves. Luckily they have an acquaintance that happens to be a horror movie buff that can analyze the next moves, and help them solve who the killer is.

Wes Craven nailed what a horror movie should be with this movie. People have to die in slashers, and the more ridiculously they die the better. From garage door crushings, to basic knife stabbings, your violence inspired sweet-tooth will be aptly covered with this one.

The acting in the film is intentionally off, the actors know that they’re in a campy film, and act accordingly. The cinematography fits every slasher I’ve ever seen, and again works perfectly with the movies style. The soundtrack is also nothing special, but it plays into the style so perfectly.

I wish I had something more articulate to say, but truthfully the movie is just a fulfilled ride through angsty teens getting butchered, in the most predictable ways you can imagine. I laughed as they explained what would happen and then simply executed the scene.

If I have to give this movie a rating it gets 5 bloody thumbs up.