REVIEW: Knowing

Dr. Cyborg here, just got back from Alex Proyas’ new film “Knowing”. First off I would like to mention that there was absolutely no one else in the theater despite the fact that it is opening weekend, and it isn’t a work day. I can’t say for certain why. I know that Nicolas Cage keeps me from the theater for the most part, but Alex Proyas’ one ups Nicolas Cage in my book. Anyway on with the review.

I would like to get the fact that I liked this movie out of the way, so that when I bitch further on you will know it is merely a compliant and it didn’t ruin the movie.

What I liked the most about this movie, was the film making was always on top of it’s game, whenever something was suppose to be suspenseful, it was. If something was suppose to be creepy, you were creep’d out. I think this is definitely a movie you would want to see in the theater, they really use the surround sound to boost the experience. And the movie delivers in every way it promises by the plot, and they don’t hold the camera away from any of it.

Without giving away any story points, I would like to say that I liked that it crossed so many genres. Most notably thriller mystery and sci-fi. It was refreshing to see that it blended these genres and had you asking questions the whole way without making it feel like a mutant hybrid. I know that using words like thrill-ride and roller coaster make most people reading reviews want to choke, but I think when you look back at where this movie starts and where it takes you, these words definitely apply.

Some of the visuals in this film are some of the best I’ve seen in a while, it told a unique story, and it went places I didn’t expect it to go.

My biggest hang-ups were that it was pretty cheesy at points and it relied to heavily on poor child actors, and Nicolas Cage. Whom I didn’t think gave that good of a performance, I don’t like Nicolas Cage!…..But I think you should go see this movie anyway, it was good. Although not Alex Proyas’ best work, it was still well made and maybe not as stylish as some of his other films, but it still felt like an Alex Proyas movie. I just think he has a bit of trouble casting his front man. That’s all. It also had a good soundtrack.
I am awarding this movie with seven out of a possible ten shiny robots.