REVIEW: Dead Snow

What happens when medical students decide to go on vacation to their friends cabin in the mountains? Well besides awkward outhouse sex and kick-ass snowmobile machine gunning?! When these goofy drunk students find buried spanish gold under the floor boards, the undead Nazi Horde is awakened to reclaim their prize.

I happen to be a Zombie movie junkie, and nothing pleases me more than Nazi Zombies. Thankfully this wasn’t poorly made Nazi zombies or this bot would have been pissed. The makers behind Dead Snow really had the feel of what a decent zombie movie should be. People get eaten/torn apart, teens get murdered while attempting to go to the bathroom, and almost everyone gets their intestines ripped out (I’m pretty sure the makeup crew got a killer deal on fake intestines for production). The acting is medium as most independent films are. I found myself believing that the students were terrified of their situation. And the Zombies looked really good… Goofy half alive Nazi’s chasing down the horrified medical students.

The special features are something I find to be super cool for movie junkies, or Salt Lake Locals. The small featurettes on creating the making, and how they pulled off the special effects are incredibly interesting. Also the cast and crew at the Sundance film festival, is something I find interesting. If you live in SLC it’s neat to see other peoples experience around the area.

Overall I give this movie 3.5/5, it’s a fun-filled gore-fest with : Nazi Zombie’s, Outhouse sex, Outhouse disembowelment, multiple intestine removals, intestine bungie jumping, and a fairly interesting twist to wrap it up. This is a must have for your Zombie collection, and a good addition to anyone’s horror stash. Order from Amazon here

Final Score: 3.5/5

Special Features Include:

  • “Behind Dead Snow” featurette
  • “Special Make-Up Effects of Dead Snow” featurette
  • “VFX” featurette
  • “The Sounds of Dead Snow” featurette
  • “Burning the Cabin” featurette
  • Outtakes
  • Trailers

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