Raiders of the Lost Ark on IMAX!


Steven Spielberg’s 1981 adventure film Raiders of the Lost Ark is reportedly getting an IMAX release prior to its Blu-ray debut on September 18.

Hollywood Reporter states that though Paramount has made no official announcement, more information is expected to be forthcoming.  The film is expected to open in theaters on September 7 and run for a week.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is the first film about the famed fedora-wearing adventurer also known as Henry Jones, Jr.  (He likes Indiana, but they named the dog Indiana).  When released on Blu-ray, it will be part of a set entitled Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures.  I’m not sure just how complete the adventures are without the addition of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles starring Sean Patrick Flanery, though.  Why, there was that spring break romp with Pancho Villa and the liaison with World War I spy Mata Hari (written by Carrie Fisher, who received a lamp as payment for the episode).

Director Steven Spielberg was involved in the process restoring the beloved films (and also the fourth one) for Blu-ray.  And the publicity department spared no expense promoting the upcoming release, bringing a Well of Souls filled with real *shudder* snakes to San Diego Comic-Con.  Snakes.  Why did it have to be snakes?

Though the Indiana Jones films have never had quite the following the Star Wars saga has experienced, they certainly have their fans.  I have no doubt they will descend upon IMAX theaters in September to see Toht melt on the big screen once again.

I know I will.