I’m going to be honest, I don’t think I’m buying much of anything this week. There are a few movies that come out that I’ve been interested to see, but not too much.
Probably the only movie to come out this week that I’d consider buying is Lions Gate’s new 2 disc special edition release of High Noon. This is classic Gary Cooper and one of the first movies to be set in essentially real time. Grace Kelly plays his new bride, as well, and we can all do with a little more Grace Kelly in our lives.
With a suggested retail price of $13.99, the price makes it pretty much a must have.
(Interesting factoid about this film: This is Bill Clintons favorite movie and he screened it 17 times during his two terms in the White House.)
Second is Jumper. I dig Hayden Christensen and Samuel L. Jackson and Doug Liman makes, at the very least, entertaining films. Part of the reason I didn’t catch this at the theatre is that it seemed as though I was going to get exactly what I saw in the trailer without much variation. Who knows. If I had a netflix, I’d add it to my queue. But I don’t. So I’m not sure if I’ll ever see it.
The only other two films seeing DVD release today that I was half interested in seeing were The Other Boleyn Girl (Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson in the same movie? Hellooooooo Nurse) and Funny Games with Tim Roth and Naomi Watts.
Dr. Cyborg’s comments to me regarding the boring dryness of The Other Boleyn Girl kept me from it at the theatres and Funny Games actually looked more stupid the more I saw the trailer, so I didn’t bother seeing it in the theatre.
So, that’s the column for this week.