Out Today on DVD 5/12/2009


Since we’re all still high on Star Trek, I’d like to offer up the Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection on Blu-ray for your perusal. As much as I don’t like a couple of the Star Trek films in there, it has a newly remastered Wrath of Kahn and culminates in what’s my other favorite Star Trek film, The Undiscovered Country. I’m hoping to review these soon.

Another Star Trek related film that’s coming out is Galaxy Quest in a special deluxe edition. It’s not so much that it’s Star Trek related, but a Star Trek parody. This is also a fine, fine film. In fact, even David Mamet counts it among one of the best ever.

There are a bunch of Blu-ray releases today that I would suggest you check out. First is Major League, which is far better and funnier than I remembered it. We should have a full review up around here in the next couple of days, but it really surprised me. I liked it as a kid and didn’t think I’d like it now, but I was wrong.

Taken also comes out on Blu-ray. I wanted to see this in the theatre, but heard that the extended cut was far better so I opted to wait. I’m still waiting, but Liam Neeson kicking doors in with a gun and torturing people sounds like a great time to me.

The Tom Hanks classic Big hits a Blu-ray release today. I saw this movie again recently and it really knocked my socks off all over again.

Both Wayne’s World and Wayne’s World 2 are out today as well.  I loved Wayne’s World when it came out and watched it over and over again, but I have no recollection of Wayne’s World 2.  I’ll report back when I’ve watched it again.

Next is one of the best westerns ever made, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I don’t think there’s much I need to say about this one. It’s Leone’s masterpiece on Blu-ray. If you don’t know why that’s awesome, there’s no hope for you.

The last thing on the list today for me is the Coen Brothers’ comedically thrilling masterpiece, Fargo on Blu-ray. This movie really is a masterpiece and the best quality you can see it in the better, I imagine.