Out Today on DVD 4/29

Well, I fucked up last week and posted up three (count ’em) picks for this week. All of my sources for DVD street dates managed to lie to me. So, for starters, why don’t you check out last week’s DVD column here.

Now that we’ve got the big titles for the week out of the way last week (seriously, I feel like a total jackass) I can let you in on a couple of smaller titles for this week. For reals.

First is The Red Balloon. Yes, we’ve all seen this film. Who doesn’t remember getting piled into the auditorium to watch a scratchy 16mm print of this? Our kids won’t. That’s why we need to buy the DVD.

The other is a fairly interesting, yet pretty dry, documentary about the problem this country has with corn. It’s called King Corn. I’ve seen it and it’s informative but pretty bland. It’s certainly worth a rental, but I hear tell that there’s a documentary that has a lot of this info in it and is jam-packed all kinds of info-tainment goodness… (*ahem*)

So, that’s it for this week. Next week I won’t fuck up so bad.