Out Today on DVD 4/28/2009


The first item of business today is Star Trek: The Original Series – Season 1 on Blu-ray. At the moment, it’s half-off on Amazon so you should run over there and snatch it up. I’ve been exploring the discs for about a week now and I have to say this is a top notch release. The transfers look gorgeous, the new effects are great. And if you don’t like the new effects? You can switch to the original release version.

I’ll have a more thorough review of this up soon, but trust me, it’s worth buying.


The next item of business is X-Men, Volume 1 and Marvel X-Men Volume 2. This is the definitive collection of the 90s cartoon. We’ve been devouring these at the office while we work and they’ve been distracting in the best way.

The Uninvited came out. You can read yesterday’s review of it over here.

Jcvd came out, and this is a film I’ve been waiting for, for a long time. I didn’t realize it was in the theatres when it was playing locally and I missed it entirely, which made me sad. It’s been reviewed extremely well by friends that I trust and some I don’t, everyone is in agreement about this one.

That’s about it for big releases this week. We’ll be back next week, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.