Out Today on DVD 4/1

Well, the first big release of the day was one of the highest-grossing films of 2007 (out-earning Zack Snyder’s underwhelming 300 by $6 million (no lie)) is the better-than-it-should be Alvin and the Chipmunks. Nerd favorites Jason Lee and David Cross headline the film and make it work pretty well.

Next on the list? The Cutting Edge 3: Chasing the Dream….

I can’t keep this up any longer. It’s April Fools Day. And even though I’m going to end up buying Alvin and the Chipmunks movie (you know, for the kids) I’m not actually recommending it.

I will, however, recommend Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd, which I thought was really good. It was by far and away the bloodiest, goriest love story the cinema has ever known. And most movies Tim Burton makes have some redeeming factor or another, even if you’re not into the musical.

Sweeney Todd (and maybe the Bette Davis collection) are probably the only two releases this week that I’ll want to add to my DVD collection.

On a sidenote. Today sees the release of the newest (and, sadly, probably last) Kurt Vonnegut book, Armageddon in Retrospect. And if you don’t buy it and read it, I’ll have even less respect for you than I do now. Which isn’t much.

(also, April Fools aside, I really did think 300 was both overrated and underwhelming)