Out Today on DVD 3/31/2009


It’s not often that I can shamelessly promote myself on one of these DVD columns, but today marks the release of my latest film, Killer at Large. I was the producer, writer, editor, researcher, and about 8 other things on this film (along with Clang! Boom! Steam!) and we’ve spent the last 2 years on it. It’s done now, though we’re still organizing screenings via Robert Greenwald’s “Brave New Theatres.” It’s a pretty thorough documentary examination of the American obesity epidemic and I’d like to think it’s important for people to watch. You can also buy it from us on our website and the money would benefit us directly.

Next on the list was the winner of the Oscar for Best Picture this year, Slumdog Millionaire. This was a really great film (though some may disagree with me) and I think that at the very least it’s worth watching.

Next we have the animated The Real Ghostbusters, Volume 1 in a nice 5 DVD set tin. This is a must have for any extreme Ghostbuster fan or anyone planning on entertaining some children in front of some cartoons for an 8 hour stretch.

Pitch Black is also coming out on Blu-ray. And I don’t know about any of you, but I felt this movie was an underrated, well-produced piece of science fiction. Chronicles of Riddick also came out on Blu-ray, but as much as I liked Pitch Black, I never really watched any of the rest of the series. Was it worth checking out?

Finally on the list today is Gene Kelly’s An American in Paris. I don’t know how many of you actually dig musicals, but this is certainly one worth watching. Gene Kelley is just so damned fun to watch.