Out Today on DVD 2/17

With no blockbuster releases this week, we’re left with movies like Kramer Vs Kramer coming out on Blu-ray to headline the column this week. I’ve never actually seen this movie, but Dustin Hoffman in this period could do no wrong. It’s on my “I-feel-guilt-I’ve-never-seen-it-list.”

Gandhi is also on this list, and it also hit’s a Blu-ray release today.

Bill Maher’s Religulous came out today as well. I was quite pleasantly surprised by it when I saw it in the theatres and it’s worth a watch from any open-minded, free thinking individual.

The Sam Rockwell/Chuck Pahlanuik film Choke came out today as well. It was a solid 6 out of 10. It was okay, but followed the same pattern as Fight Club just about, at least as far as the main character is concerned. It’s kind of funny, certainly worth watching once. If nothing else, just for Sam Rockwell and Kelly Macdonald.

There isn’t really much else this week I’d recommend you put in your DVD collection, though there are some new Kurosawa releases next month I’m quite excited for.

Also, here’s a tip: Every DVD and game is 40% off at Circuit City since they’re all going out of business. I picked up Spider-Man: Web of Shadows for $25. You can’t beat that.