In our last DVD column of the year, I would like to start by asking you guys what you’d like to see more of here. Is there anything I can be doing better to make this column more useful to you? I’ll leave that for the comments and move on to this weeks first release:
Serenity comes out in the Blu-ray format. This makes me excited. I really, really, really like Firefly and I hope everyone buys this version of the movie in the hopes that Fox might pull their head out of their ass and realize what a cash cow this show could still be to them. I mean, honestly, if they can pull Family Guy out of cancellation a hundred times, why not a good show?
Event Horizon also hits Blu-ray. Now, I’ve never seen this film so I don’t know if it’s any good. It’s sci-fi, so it makes it geeky. I’ve heard good things about it and I’ve always wanted to see it. But since it’s such a light week for releases, I didn’t know what else to put on here. And trust me, A Paul W.S. Anderson movie will never–never–find it’s way on one of these columns again.
I guess Towelhead should be on the list, too. I was at the premiere at Sundance and it was pretty good. I could tell just by watching it though, it wasn’t going to find a giant audience. And I did sort of want to see Eagle Eye
which is coming out today according to IMDb, even though DJ Caruso’s last film (and Shia LaBeouf team up) was a cheap knock off of Rear Window… And I’m excited to see if the pair of them can pull off Y the Last Man, but I guess that’s neither here nor there.
So, until next year…