New Hancock Trailer

It’s always exciting to see our favorite super heroes on the big screen, from Spidey to Superman, from Batman to Hellboy, seeing our childhood heroes come to “life” is usually pretty fun.

Something that, at lease for me, that is equally exciting, is seeing original superhero creations in a movie. Hancock is one that has peaked my interest after catching the new trailer today. Now, granted his powers are nothing new, but it’s the story that intrigues me. Essentially Hancock is what looks like an alcoholic, anti-social, hobo of a superhero that has no regard for the environment or people around him.

Of course, that looks like it all changes, but what would a movie be without character development. I can see this movie being pretty decent (pending any crappy sequals, cross your fingers for a stand-alone) and I think it will most definately be fun summer movie to check out.

Check out the tailer above (obviously)