Netflix Pick of the Week: Taking of Pelham One Two Three (74)

Around Christmas time last year I saw the John Travolta version of the Taking Of Pelham 123. Let’s just say it wasn’t very good, but then I heard it was based on a Walter Matthau movie of the same name from 1974. So when I found it on Netflix Instant I decided to give it a try. I keep a running tally of every movie that I first watched in 2011 and so far this is my ninth favorite movie of the year. Why does this version work better then a remake?

The movie if you are unaware is about a group of thieves who hijack a subway car and hold the people hostage as they demand money for their safe return. This movie is perfect for 1974 as the technology makes hijacking a subway car something exciting and doable. The 2009 version is set in 2009 and with the advances of modern technology it just isn’t believable.

But there is more then just the believability. Walter Matthau plays the station manager and he speaks with the main hijacker who plays the role very cold, distant and cunning. In the 09 version Denzel Washington plays the part Matthau plays with some believability but Travolta plays the hijacker and he plays it a lot goofier, more crazy and zany a villain, not one you would believe could pull off a heist like this. It’s like in the 74 version they looked at real life criminals and Travolta took his source from Dick Dastardly.

The 74 version of this movie is fantastic, an absolute treat and one in which I was glued to my seat. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it as it’s just as good today as it was in 74. I rated it 5 out of 5 on Netflix.