The Spidey news just keeps coming. Today we bring you new photos from the sequel. The following images are from USA Today along with some interesting quotes from the director Marc Webb.

“We shot his exterior and then created a glowing light source that is buried deep within his core that exudes and generates electric light,” Webb says. “If you look at a cloud when a thunderstorm is coming and the lightning is within that cloud, we use that as a natural inspiration for the character.”

I think that Jamie Foxx looks awesome as Electro and can’t wait to see his acting talents bring some life into the villain. Electro has always been one of my favorite villains that Spidey fights so to see him on the bring screen is going to be like a dream come true for me.
The other pictures seem to be of Rhino’s escape. I’m interested to see how this will be done. In the comics without going into a ton of detail, Rhino is wearing an indestructable suit. He’s not the smartest villian but he’s strong. In a lot of comics/tv shows Spidey takes him out using some sort of electricity so there’s a pretty good chance this will happen in the movie…maybe.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters May 2nd. Stay tuned for more wall crawler news.