MOVIE TRAILERS! The Karate Kid (2010)

They’ve released the trailer for ANOTHER remake! This one starring Jackie Chan! (anyone who knows me knows he’s my ” target=”blank”>ultimate hero)

Here’s: The Karate Kid (This is the only poster I could find online… sorry)

I had a friend who was extremely concerned that everything was different than the original… that Karate is Japanese and nothing like Chinese Kung-Fu (which I’ll admit is something that was VERY bothersome to me)

He also was bothered by the thought that the trailer depicts Jackie Chan fighting 9-year old’s (something I saw as him defending a defenseless American boy who seemed to be getting the crap kicked out of him… Chan was just dodging/blocking blows- not dealing any…)

His next complaint was the infamous “Wax on, Wax off” now being “Jacket on, Jacket off” (which I’m now going to attribute to the fact that kung fu is different than Karate… plus they’ve got to try to make it their own and modern… nobody hand waxes floors nowadays! NOBODY!)

His final grievance being that it stars Will Smith’s son, Jaden Smith- (look… as far as child actors goes, this one learned a lot from his dad, and personally I don’t think its a bad thing)

Although those are all very valid concerns… here’s what I see (so far): This movie, although being ultimately titled poorly, seems to be capturing the spirit of the original film; a troubled, inner-city youth is taught discipline and an outcast/recluse is given a sense of purpose in the midst of senseless adversity. (there are a few shots of Chan where he seems deeply troubled by something in his past… there’s almost a rage in him) I even see it capturing the theme that it doesn’t matter what color my skin is, or where I come from- I can still accomplish anything I set my mind to (including finding a girl *wink*), Also, who cares if I don’t go to the best schools or have the best equipment!? All I need is a good teacher!

Okay I admit that, being a Chan fan I might be a bit biased – but objectively speaking the movie doesn’t look like a terrible attempt at making an action packed remake- it looks like an honest attempt at trying to make film that speaks to a young generation the way the original spoke to my generation… I honestly remember the original being epic and amazing the first time I saw it as a kid- and now when I watch it I laugh at myself for letting my blood get pumped for what could very well be the least climactic endings to a movie ever made…(this kid has literally tried MURDERING the main character and after getting kicked once in the face has this to say: “you’re alright Larusso“) ha ha- I LOVE it.

6-14 year old kids are going to love the hell out of this movie… that’s my prediction!