MOVIE TRAILERS! New Harry Potter!

Click here to watch the newly posted Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on their Facebook page

As far as trailers being miniature movies… this one is pushing the limits of exploration and presentation. The trailer itself is a generic cutting together of imagery set to epic music with the vocals driving the plost underneath- but what it tells me is that the film itself is pushing its universe to the maximum of special fx and… dare I say it… magic.

I’ve loved seeing the technology and the artistry advance with these movies… sure- you may or may not be in love with, or even a fan of the Harry Potter series as films, but one thing is for certain: the imagination behind bringing Rowling’s world to life has been well fed.

Not only have we grown up with the actors, and watched their careers and talents bloom(or not) we’ve seen a world of magic (and budget) evolve and grow-

If you watch every trailer for the HP series in succession, you can see the story progress in only a way that trailer editors can do… these guys… whoever they are… are sometimes better story tellers than the people making the film… and even if you don’t like these movies- you have to admit the trailers (when watched back to back to back) make it seem like ‘the boy who lived’ is greatest epic to ever have graced the silver screen…

This trailer is a MONSTER of a trailer… showing us new styles of film making- cleaner CGI than I’ve seen in a VERY long time-  bold new directions for the actors- bold new directions for the telling of the story- even a bold new direction in the art design (including costume, sets, etc)

They’ve sufficiently fooled me into thinking that we are going to see a whole new (incredibly large budgeted) twist on a VERY familiar world.  Something I was almost fooled into on the last film after its trailer…

Anyway- in the short of it: this trailer did its job, and it did its job well. (what can I say- I’m a sucker for theatrics… when well executed of course)