Yes. They made a sequel.

Yes. It is straight to DVD.

No. I don’t want to see it. Then again, Yes- I do…  I mean… come on… Machete is in it!  Ving Rhames as well! …and is that ACTUALLY Sean Bean?? Its like… its like… well- watch the trailer:

So- it honestly just looks like they remade the original re-make of Death Race. Re-Cast certain character types then made the same movie over again in hopes to sell a DVD. At least this time they’re touting it as an “origin” story.

Terrible narration and a sense of “Honestly- we DON’T care if you buy this movie.” make this trailer a very half-assed attempt at selling me something.

So why would I want to see it?  I’m about to admit something to all y’all: I really liked Death Race. You know- the one with Jason Statham…? Ya- I was a fan.  Fast paced, uncontrollable action, fantasy driven scenarios, B-Movie style gore and music videoesque cinematography made the 2008 jaunt into the gritty world of publicized prison racing… an adventure. I’d categorize it in my: “Who really wants to think at the moment?” movie list.

On the same hand- I’d also call it Paul W.S. Anderson’s finest achievement- which, granted, isn’t saying a whole lot- but its the first movie of his that made me see that he might possibly have the talent for making movies… its almost as if he tried.

Watch, or don’t watch Death Race 2– I don’t care… I don’t think its hurting anybody by being out there- and at least its something else with Boromir in it for fans to follow.  Plus, it can’t be much worse than Resident Evil: 3D.