More Spider-Man 4 Casting Rumors *Heavy Sigh*


Arse-bot here. It’s with a heavy heart that I bring you more Spider-Man 4 casting and character rumors. I’m sure you’re all just as sick of these as I am, but at the same time, I can’t help but let these rumors spark my interest in what the next installment holds. I assure you, I take these with as much of a grain of salt as you do…

Anyways, the latest rumors are coming from Movie Line (.com), and they are saying that Sony is looking to John Malkovich to play the villain, The Vulture in the next installment. Okay, well, that’s all well and good, and if Vulture is indeed the villain in the next film, then I don’t think this would be bad casting. Here’s the part that has me most concerned if this is as “confirmed” as this site claims it to be:

The 27-year-old actress is currently the top choice for Felicia Hardy, who’d been long-rumored as one of the new characters in this installment. (Other names bandied about for the role included Julia Stiles, Rachel McAdams, and Romola Garai.) However, unlike in the comic books, this Felicia Hardy doesn’t transform into the Black Cat. Instead, Raimi’s Felicia will become a brand-new superpowered figure called the Vulturess.

I think I can safely speak for the entire Spider-Man fan community when I say… “No.”

While I highly doubt that Raimi, essentially being given a new start at Spider-Man 4 with the retaking of the reigns, would make this sort of mistake. The first thought that comes to my mind when I read this “news” is “Bullshit.” But directors and movies have surprised me in the past.

I’m sure that in the coming months we will start getting character and casting information straight from the horse’s mouth at Sony for from Raimi. So until then, take all of these casting and character stories as simply rumors -no matter how “confirmed” a site claims them to be.