MACHINIMA: League of Legends – Blind Ambition

The creators of Fallout: Nuka Break, Mineshaft, and many other great fan-films have released the this incredible League of Legends inspired story. The first, focusing on Lee Shin is what I consider to be awe-inspiring. You don’t have to play LOL to grasp the story told by these great artists. At times the special effects don’t rival your usual summer block-buster. But they do rival X-men Origins: Wolverine. This is a great watch and will help kill of the Friday that is following you around so closely, reminding you that work is almost over, poking at you, taunting you. Check out the video and leave us a comment.

Thomas Winkley is the Video Game Editor for Big Shiny Robot!, you can find him on twitter @thomaswinkley, or via email