Lee Eisenberg talks Ghostbusters 3

Lee Eisenberg is one of the writers working with Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd on Ghostbusters 3. Gene Stupnitsky being the other. Currently Lee is doing a series of lectures titled “Great Beginnings: Conversations with Alumni” at Connecticut College. While talking with The Day something came up… you guessed it, Ghostbusters 3.

“We’ve been working really closely with Ivan Reitman for a couple years on it. Dan Aykroyd has been really involved. Harold Ramis has been very involved – we’re sharing a story credit on it with him. Then we reworked the script. I mean, that script went through a lot of rewrites, and it kept getting, we think at least, tighter and funnier. It took a little bit to really understand the tone of a movie like ‘Ghostbusters.’ It’s really scary when you’re writing characters you grew up on. … The last thing you want to do is disappoint.

“Right now, we have a script we haven’t worked on probably in a couple of months, and we’re waiting for Bill Murray to read it. People seem excited about it, and the studio seems high on it. … We’re very proud of it. We worked really hard on it, and I think it’d be a really fun movie.”

So nothing new really. Every one is still waiting on Bill to say, “Alright, let’s do this.” Personally I think he will eventually “cave”, or Sony will try and push it in a different direction. At this point it sounds like the studio and every one but Bill Murray is invested in seeing this happen. Hell, even The Atlantic (seen below in the first movie’s montage) is pleading with Murray to go with it.

Make Ghostbusters 3, Bill. Please? The long-awaited, long-long-long-rumored third installment could start shooting this year—but only if you agree to appear in it. Ivan Reitman, on a recent publicity tour for No Strings Attached, said you have been sent a reworked script. They even used your idea about Venkman dying and coming back to haunt the cast, too That’s badass. You’ll be like Swayze in Ghost, dude. With Sigourney Weaver as your Demi Moore. Pretty please? Maybe you could turn the whole thing to your advantage. Back when the studios were fighting over who would make the first Ghostbusters, you used that leverage to get The Razor’s Edge financed. You could do the same now—agree to make the threequel of the studio will finance a film you do care about.

While a little misinformed (Venkman won’t be dying and coming back as a ghost), it’s still pretty awesome. Thanks to Proton Charging for letting us know about this.