LeBeouf says Indy 5 “Is Not Far Off”

Shia LeBeouf told MTV at their Movie Awards that another Indiana Jones film isn’t that far off.

He said:

“I talked to [Harrison Ford],” LaBeouf told MTV News when we got together with him at the 2011 MTV Movie Awards this past weekend. “He said he’s staying in the gym, he said he’s heard no word, but he does know that [George Lucas] is out there looking for a MacGuffin. He said he’s staying in the gym, so it means [the movie is] not so far off.”

That’s far from certain. And to be honest, it sounds more like it’s quite a ways off, but I’d welcome a new Indiana Jones movie sooner rather than later, and with open arms.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got a very bad rap. Sure, it wasn’t the best of the Indiana Jones movies, but neither was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and people still love that. I know some people had a hard time with the part about aliens being involved, and others really hated bringing Mutt Williams into it, but it was a kick-ass send up of those 50 sci-fi movies we all love so much and it was fun as hell. Spielberg, Lucas, Ford, and even LeBeouf back to make another movie can only be a good thing.

So, I’m anxiously awaiting more solid news, but at this point I’ll take what scraps I can get.

(Thanks to Club Jade for tipping us off to this.)