Last Minute Oscar Predictions

I just got back from seeing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and I wanted to make some last minute Oscar predictions before the ceremony starts.

Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

Of all the nominees, I think Danny Boyle has the most consistency to his nominated movie and the least mistakes. If there’s a possible upset, I think it will be Milk.

Best Actor: Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler

With all of the Oscar snubbing that happened with Aronofsky’s masterpiece, The Wrestler, I would hope that Mickey Rourke takes home this well-deserved award.

Best Actress: Kate Winslet, The Reader

I was talking to a film critic friend and we came to the conclusion that the Weinsteins must have some type of blackmail material over Academy voters. (Though the one time it did the universe some good was Shakespeare in Love. That movie is perfect and if you don’t think so there might be something wrong with you.)

Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight

Again, major snubs by the Academy will turn into a win for The Dark Knight. If Heath Ledger doesn’t win, expect rioting in the streets.

Best Supporting Actress
: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Did you see Vicky Cristina Barcelona? If you have, you wouldn’t be arguing with me about this one.

Best Animated Film:

Again, more rioting in the streets if this one doesn’t win. No one makes animated films as well as Pixar does and none so good as this. If the Academy lets Kung-Fu Panda win, it will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt how wrong they really are and how these awards mean less than nothing.

So, we’ll be back in a few hours to see how I did with the broadstrokes here.