INTERVIEW: Cassandra Peterson aka Elvira

Elvira’s Movie Macabre is back on television after a 20 plus year hiatus. The Mistress of the dark has had a long career spanning music, and film, but she has returned to her true love, hosting b-movies for the raving hoards of gore hounds across the world. She was kind enough to speak with BSR! about her new T.V. show and subsequent DVD releases.

BSR: How did this relaunch of the show come about and why did you decide to bring it back?

ELVIRA: It’s been 20 years since the original Movie Macabre and it’s not like I haven’t been trying. It’s hard to get the movies sometimes but everything came together this time.

BSR: I saw an article from wired magazine when Night Of the Living Dead was announced as the first movie to air last year and I’ve been watching the show on a local channel. Are the new episodes in syndication?

ELVIRA: Yes, we have 20 episodes in broadcast syndication now with some repeats and there an extra six episodes for DVD’s. They’ll all be double features so I guess that’s 13.

BSR: Perfect Number! Will these also be available on Hulu and Netflix?

ELVIRA: Oh yes, they’ll be everywhere and you can get them on too.

BSR: Do you have a team of writers that just sit around watching the movies to come up with jokes?

ELVIRA: No it’s just me and Ted Biaselli, I really love all the movies I show even if they’re terrible. We watch every single one and write the show.

BSR: How did the collaboration with the Band Ghoultown for the song “Mistress of the Dark” come about?

ELVIRA: I met them a few years ago at a convention in Texas. My manager said “You’ve got to check these guys out!” they’re like cool rockabilly so we got to talking and I wanted someone else to do a song about me besides the Oakridge Boys (laughs).

BSR: Cool, well it’s a great song and video. Do you get recognized in public or at cons?

ELVIRA: No I never get recognized in public! If I’m at a convention out of costume I’ll get stopped sometimes. A lot of those people are big fans and recognize me out of costume, it’s flattering.

BSR: I guess you get the best of both worlds too as far as fans go, the comic book crowd and the B-movie fans.

ELVIRA: Yes I have great fans obviously the gothic fans and Comic-Con crowd but I also get a lot of bikers and prisoners.

BSR: That’s a pretty diverse crowd. You’re also known as a champion for gay rights.

ELVIRA: Yes after working with so many gay people and knowing so many of them die of AIDS…

BSR: And you also work with PETA?

ELVIRA: Not currently but yes I’ve worked with them, gay rights and animal rights, I guess those are my two things (laughs).

BSR: Thanks so much for talking with Big Shiny Robot! Is there anything you’d like to add?

ELVIRA: Yes thank you. Check out ELVIRA.COM. I have a new online store going up soon and find me on facebook. Somehow my the Official Elvira Facebook page was erased and I lost all my followers. It’s terrible, please come back. There are a lot of Elvira pages on there, so find the official one.

BSR: Will do! Thanks again for your time.

Elvira’s Movie Macabre Double Feature Presentation DVD’s can be pre ordered at now they will be released 6/14/2011