UPDATED: Indiana Jones: RIP?

ShowbizSpy is reporting this as a rumour, and we’re also reiterating that it’s just a rumour, but Harrison Ford is talking about wanting the death of Indiana Jones in the fifth installment of the franchise.

Sources say the Hollywood star has told creator George Lucas and directorStephen Spielberg that he wants the whipcracking adventurer to meet his maker in a fifth and final adventure.

“Harrison thinks it would be good for Indy to die and pass on his hat to his son in the next one,” reveals an insider.

“George especially is resisting the notion but Steven is considering it. Funnily enough Harrison wanted the same for Han Solo in the final Star Wars but George put an end to it. This time he doesn’t have all the say though.”

I’ve never heard of ShowBizSpy and they have no names or sources in their report, but this wouldn’t surprise me, and I’m not even resistant to it.  I’ve long held the belief that Han Solo should have died in Return of the Jedi (you can read my piece about it here) but tying up the Indiana Jones saga with the death of the man himself seems fitting.  And I don’t even mind having him pass on the mantle to Mutt Williams, his son.

I know a lot of people hated the last Indiana Jones picture, Mutt in particular, but I think an adventure with him on his own would be a blast…  You know?  Years on, following in the footsteps with his old man.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could see a team up with Mutt and Short Round?  Wouldn’t it be cool if we only thought Indy died and Mutt and Short Round head out to seek him out, only to find him alive?

That would be a fun movie.

I really don’t care what they do for the next Indiana Jones film as long as there really is a next Indiana Jones film.  (Early reports have this next one involving the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, but that could be bunk.)

What do you guys think?  Would you go see this knowing Indy would head off into the great unknown mystery?

UPDATE: Harrison Ford’s reps have nixed the report. But that in no way discounts the great conversations we’ve been having across various social media platforms about the idea and the franchise itself.