Inception: Review

There will NOT be spoilers in this review.

I lucked out. Big time. Thanks to twitter (yes its good for something) I got to attend the pre-screening of Inception in Salt Lake. I just got home and I’ve still got a smile plastered on my face.  We all know that Christopher Nolan is a god-damned genius. Name one movie hes made that sucks. Do it right now, I’ll wait. Yes you can google it….

So what’d you find? Nothing? Of course nothing, because the man is amazing. He made The Dark Knight for Christ’s sake.

Inception stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb a man who is hired to extract information from a persons subconscious by infiltrating their dreams. He’s aided by Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Arthur who is his right hand man and is aware of Cobb’s demons and limitations. They get a job to place an idea in a man’s mind instead of extract one. Something supposedly impossible or at the very least very difficult. This is where Ellen Page comes in and makes me remember how much I love her. Ellen plays Ariadne (yes I spelled that right) who is the architect for the created dreams. Along for the ride are a “forger” and a “chemist” to help with the dream. The Forger played by Tom Hardy steals pretty much every scene hes in and he and Gordon-Levitt play off each other really well. The movie is long but never feels its full 148 minutes. There is enough action to keep you interested and I was biting my nails half the time.

I really can’t say much more without giving plot points away. The movie is part heist, part action gun fight, part mind fuck and I loved every minute of it. In fact I’m ready to go see it again and see how much more I notice and understand.