IGN Exclusive: Interview With Ryan Reynolds About Deadpool Movie

I am trying to stay cautiously optimistic about a Deadpool movie, but Ryan Reynolds seems to know what he is talking about and seems to know the character and how an actual Deadpool movie should go. Hopefully he is very involved in the creative process… I would hate to see this end up like another X-Men movie… It is 20th Century Fox afterall…

Here’s an excerpt from the interview below, you can check out the full thing here!

IGN: Part of it is just getting you to the place where you have the power to just say, “Well, if we don’t do it this way, I’m out.”

REYNOLDS: Yeah, if only! I’ve never been that guy. I’m not a diva. I’ve always been a really collaborative person. And I love film for that reason. A movie is only as good as the sum of its parts. I’m only as good as the grip. You gotta have everybody firing on all cylinders. I’d love to have a working script that the crew reads and is absolutely stoked to make.

IGN: Not to belabor the point, but Deadpool is really the character where, if you’re casting Deadpool, you’re a smart choice for that. It works with much of what you’ve done already – the comedy, the drama.

REYNOLDS: Yeah, all those things. And I have ideas for it that I think are right in tune with the tone of that character. I’m dying to see them on film. Literally, dying. So many of the outlets that follow this character are curious what the elements will be, afraid that you won’t be disfigured, that you won’t wear the mask, and I laugh because there’s no way to do this without having the scarring, having the mask, having it all. And it can be done. It’s a no-brainer in that sense. You gotta have the character of Deadpool. You don’t want to just invent something new and call it Deadpool.

IGN: So what’s next for you? You’ve done The Proposal. Deadpool‘s on the horizon…

REYNOLDS: I have two dramas – one in the summer, one in the fall – and then, hopefully, after that, we’ll get to tackle this crimson f*@ker.