Hunger Games News Round-Up

There has been a ton going on with these movies lately, mostly casting and of course the shots of Katniss that should calm down fears about her not being the right skin tone/hair color/even race. The newest news is that the books are going to be split into 4 films. This makes a bit of sense to me, the books all seem to have two very separate parts to them and the games could take up quite a bit of time. I’m curious as to how they will split these up as they could very easily over lap the books endings instead of cutting off just as they do. And of course the trend in Hollywood is to bleed every last cent out of every franchise and make as many sequels as possible even if the movie doesn’t merit one in any way so we should be happy they are only doing 4 and not 6 I guess.

As far as casting goes, in the past couple weeks Lenny Kravitz has been cast as Cinna, Woody Harrelson as Haymitch, Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket, and Donald Sutherland as President Snow. I think these all work pretty well, especially Donald Sutherland. I think he can pull of the creepiness of President Snow very well. I’m no fan of Woody Harrelson but I still think he can do a pretty good job. So what do you all think? Will it suck or will it rock?


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