UPDATED: Guillermo del Toro Taking on Van Helsing?


According to Pajiba.com, Universal Pictures is looking to make another Van Helsing film. And by “another” I don’t mean a sequel to their previous Van Helsing film starring Hugh Jackson, or a “reboot” of any kind. According to their sources, this film will be an original treatment by del Toro himself and produced by del Toro Productions:

Here’s the good news: The movie, which is being developed at del Toro productions, will be based on a forthcoming treatment written by Guillermo del Toro himself, which is being described as an “action horror story.”

Now, when I first came across this bit of rumor/news/gossip, my first thought was “I bet this make’s Swank’s panties wet.” So, I shot him the link in an e-mail titled “Thought this might make your panties wet” – to which he replied: “It did.  If I weren’t moving today, I would write it up” So, instead, here I am posting this news for all of you del Toro fans out there on behalf of Swank-mo-tron!

Update: This news also makes Clang! Boom! Steam! wet in the panties.

Don’t get me wrong, I think del Toro is a fine Director, Producer, and writer – but I don’t have the amount of love for him Swank does. In fact, my only exposure to him is with both Hellboy films and of course, Pan’s Labyrinth – all of which I loved. So, to hear he may be doing his own take on Van Helsing peaks my interest, but this is just one of many projects he’s supposedly attaching himself to upon his departure from The Hobbit including his own treatments of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, and Pinocchio. So, until Mr. del Toro officially announces which project will be next for him, I would take all of these “announcements” with a grain of salt!

How would all you del Toro fans feel about him taking on Van Helsing?!