Geek Show Movie Night!

(This is a reprint of an article that appeared here. Feel free to click that link and subscribe.)

The last Sunday of every month, the guys over at the Geek Show Podcast (subscribe to it on iTunes) present a free double feature for the Salt Lake City geek and film crowd.  Each month is themed and it’s always a good time.  Past events have included “The Healing of the Geek Nations: The Wrath of Kahn and The Empire Strikes Back”, Halloween’s movie night saw Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness, and last month’s night was devoted to the rock band Queen and Highlander and Flash Gordon were played.

The theme for January is “It Came From Sundance” and two films that premiered at Sundance will be shown.  Clerks and Super Troopers.

Screenings are held at Brewvies Cinema Pub and the first film starts at 5:00pm on Sunday, January 25, 2009.

I’ll see you there.