GAME TRAILERS! Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Oblivion, and Fallout 3 are some of my favorite games of all time, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim looks like its going to be the best one Bethesda Softworks has created yet.

I mean… all I have to say is: “ZOHEMGEE– DRAGONS!!”  here… watch the newly released trailer… do it… watch it… NOW! (thanks to IGN and YouTube)


The thing about this trailer that got me wasn’t Max Von Sydow’s voice-over… not the shiny overly realistic graphics… not the epic music… not that there were giants and stealthy deaths… and wicked creepy ridiculously large spiders…  it was the guy running from the dragon at 36 seconds… If that was gameplay- and I’m almost sure it was- it was the most realistic running animation I’ve seen in a video game!

The universe they’re building looks vast and almost endless… and when the character gives the final blow to the dragon at the end and it’s blood splatters all over him, and he’s breathing heavily (gameplay mind you)… geezy eezus! I about wet myself!  The graphics are beyond good in this… makes me want to go out and buy an amazing computer just to play it at it’s fullest capacity… (luckily I already have an amazing computer so I don’t have to actually do that)

I will say though, that I doubt any piece can suck me in and keep me there like the Fallout 3 franchise did… but this one looks like it might just walk all over it, I mean… there are GIANTS! There are EFFIN’ DRAGONS!!… and if you know anything about the ES series… that’s a big deal. It makes me curious if they’ve added a spell to let you tame the dragons, make them travel companions… This is  free-roaming fantasy that doesn’t look ridiculously boring and repetitive like some MMORPG’s out there… wow… just… …. … WoW… does it look like its not a terrible game… like some other fantasy… based… games…

Weigh in-