Friday ‘Flix Picks: Stephen Fry in America

Each Friday we will be bringing you weekend-viewing movie picks available for streaming on Netflix! From the popular to the obscure, we will browse Netflix’s Streaming library so you don’t have to, and bring you what we consider to be “Must Watch” selections!


Stephen Fry In America


Since Arse-Bot is busy you are stuck with me for the weeks pick which means we’re going weird with it. A lot of people aren’t familiar with Stephen Fry but I love the man. His casting as Mycroft Holmes to Robert Downey Jr’s Sherlock was easily my favorite part of the latest Sherlock Holmes movie. You may also remember him from V for Vendetta and catch watch him at the end of this year in The Hobbit.

Now this pick is a little different because it is actually a TV Mini Series/Documentary. Mr. Fry was almost born in America and he says he’s always and an interest with how different he would have been and for this series he explores all 50 states.

Stephen drives a cab in London and brings that over and drives it through the states, so not only is the incredibly witty, polite Brit sticking out for just purely being himself, he’s also driving a London cab through places that have never seen one. From the Northeast out to the Pacific, everywhere gets a little bit of coverage. I like to see insights from people out of place about what they find interesting about certain areas and to watch someone like Stephen go crabbing in Maine or drink whiskey in Kentucky is almost mesmerizing.

Now if you aren’t a Fry fan or a history and culture fan this may sound boring to you. There is just something about Stephen that makes this all so interesting, when he’s on a reservation near Monument Valley or driving in a brutal rain storm in the South he’s so out of place that I can’t help but be drawn to him. Easily my favorite part of the series is a short clip of him boating in Lake Powell. Usually that isn’t so out of the ordinary but if you’ve ever been to Lake Powell you know that million dollar house boats are the norm and Stephen hangs out in is very small swimsuit in the hot tub atop the boat as it slowly cruises the lake.

The show is six episodes, one for each week he spent here and if you have any interest in him or America I highly recommend you give it a try.