Frakes on More Star Trek TNG!


Frakes on Star Trek 2009 and beyond
excerpts from iF Magazine

iF: And of course there’s STAR TREK – but of course there was a long time between the original series and the movies and it was a logical progression to go from CLASSIC TREK to NEXT GEN movies. Speaking of STAR TREK, are you excited about the new J.J. Abrams movie?
FRAKES: I’ve very optimistic about the new movie. I’m a big fan of his as a storyteller and I was there and it looked great. I was lucky enough to visit the set and was overwhelmed how beautiful the [Enterprise] bridge was.

iF: You were just there to hang out – no top secret cameo?
FRAKES: [The] First [A.D. – Tommy Gormley] was my first [on Thunderbirds], and J.J. is married to a girl I know in Maine, so we had these connections and we’ve been trading notes back and forth and finally went over to have a little schmooze with them and it happened to be the day they were on the bridge. I must say, it was very emotional to be on someone else’s STAR TREK set, as you could imagine.

iF: At the same time, do you feel sad that the NEXT GEN movies have come to an end?
FRAKES: Yes. By all means. I had dinner with Patrick [Stewart] last week and we were both ready to go back to do another one.

iF: Do you think that ship has sailed that NEXT GEN anything is pretty much off the table.
FRAKES: I don’t think so. I think if this is successful, it opens up any number of possibilities for the whole STAR TREK franchise, so we’ll see how this does.

Being the Star Trek TNG fan that I am, I would LOVE to see the crew take one last run and go out in glory! So, hopefully something comes of this!