First Image from Breaking Dawn!

Possible Spoilers Below

Well. Looks like they are actually going to go through with it. They are going to try to make a movie involving rough sex, a vampire-teeth c-section, and a grown man falling in love with a baby and aim it right down the seeing-globes of Twitard Tweens everywhere.

Below is apparently the first image released by Entertainment Weekly from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. PART. ONE. Of course, they have to drag this out for two extra movies; Twitards will argue it’s to do due justice to the source material, those of us with half a brain will see it’s just the studio squeezing more money out of these people.

There was an official synopsis that goes with this photo, but I don’t give a shit. Google it if you want it. In the meantime, you get my official synopsis for the photo:

Below is an image of Edward preparing to fuck  Bella unconscious (look it up! It actually happens!).