Firefly Writers Up For a Comeback

Just under a week ago the internet was a-buzz when Nathan Fillion mentioned he would be up for once again filling the Captain shoes on the Serenity on the heels of the announcement that The Science Channel would be running the Firefly series in its entirety. It looks like Mr. Fillion isn’t the only one who’d be up for more intergalactic old west adventures. Two writers from the series took to Twitter the following day to show their support and willingness to revisit the series.

First, Jose Molina, who is the executive producer of Haven and wrote the Firefly episodes “Trash” and “Ariel,” tweeted a few hours ago that “For what it’s worth, I’ve told him I’d drop what I was doing and follow.”

Replying to Molina, Jane Espenson, who is the co-creator of Syfy’s Warehouse 13 and wrote the “Shindig” episode of Firefly, added, “I’m there, if needed.”


So, could this be enough to convince FOX – who still own the rights – to take another look at their decision to cancel the series? As hard as it is for me to admit, it’s not likely. A lot of pieces would have to fall in place at the right time considering much of the cast have moved on to new, successful television series.

Not only did Nathan Fillion’s remarks spark some interest in some former crew, it of course got the fans of Firefly motivated. The plan? Help Nathan Fillion raise $300 million to buy the rights to Firefly! The goal seems to be a bit lofty, but it shows just how much love the fans of the show have!

I, just like all of you, would love to see Firefly make a comeback – hell, I’d settle for a Serenity sequel! But unfortunately, it’s ultimately up to FOX right now with regards to what happens to the series in the near future. Are the chances of ever seeing Firefly return in some form or another zero? The optimist in me says no, but right now, unfortunately, the chances are slim. Hopefully the fans will continue to be vocal and use this new found momentum to our advantage and having the series running on cable again may help generate even more love for the series to help the cause!