Dark Knight Viral Marketing: Foiled Again

Once again, the BSR crew is five minutes late to the party. Swank-mo-tron forwarded me an e-mail from Jim Gordon:

OK friend, you’re up to bat now. You have yourself a new assignment: Operation Slipknot.

Basically there are seven dirty cops working for GCPD. They were all supposed to receive a package at the Gotham Intercontinental Hotel. Jim wants you to call the hotel and convince them you are one of the seven dirty cops and have the hotel forward the package on to you. On the website was this note:

By the time I had read all of this, there was one name left: Jon Rosenthal. I called the number for the hotel’s concierge. The phone rang once and then the operator spit back at me, “We’re sorry, but all circuits are busy.” Obviously we had just missed the boat. I called a few dozen more times to receive the same message. Back at my desk I reloaded the page to see that all the cops had a package en route.

About ten minutes later I tried the number again. I snooty man on a recorded message tells me that no one is available to answer the phone, and to please try back later. Damn.