UPDATED: Dark Knight Viral Campaign: Operation Slipknot Update!

Even though none of us bots here at Big Shiny Robot got through to the Gotham Intercontinental Hotel to get a package sent to us, there were obviously people who did. Thebadandugly.com has a report with a few pictures on what was in the package received by those who got through (you can check out their report and pics at the link above) to the Hotel. Apparently, the package contained the following (also pictured above):

-A letter from Joseph Candoloro
-A cell phone & charger
-An itinerary for a flight to various cities depending on the package
-A fake ID
-A bond from Wayne Industries worth between $5,000 and $25,000, depending on the package
-A translation dictionary, depending on where the destination city was, with a Joker card placed inside.

The packages were received at 8 this morning, which is pretty impressive considering the information was all given just yesterday afternoon. I guess the flight itineraries are dated for today, so hopefully we’ll have another update later on this after. I’ll keep my sensors up and the Guinness flowing.

UPDATE #1: Also, a new viral site has been found corresponding to the packages: Kinsly Travel. On the right hand side it has a area where you can enter an Airline code and flight number. If you enter the one from the itinerary from the picture on badandugly.com (TCA/1298), it gives you flight information and that it is on time… more to come.

UPDATE #2: Call the number listed on the Kinsly Travel site, it is a recording asking for your name and number… 1866 307 0988