CONTEST: Win a free copy of Clone Wars on DVD!

The scholars and gentlemen over at Lucasfilm have been kind enough to offer me two copies of the deluxe 2-disc copies of Clone Wars to give away here on the site.

In return, you guys have until the next new episode of Clone Wars airs (that’s Friday, January 2nd) to email me a reason why you like the Prequels.  You don’t have to love the prequels, but I want to know what it is you like about them.  And the two best written, most well-thought out responses will be presented here on the site and will earn their authors a copy of the Clone Wars DVD.

If you need help, you should listen to this weeks episode of The Geek Show Podcast.  Go to iTunes and subscribe to it or check out their website.  I was offered the opportunity to come on the show and defend the Prequels and explain why they deserved a rightful place in the hearts of all geeks.  I think I did a pretty good job.

Let me also remind you that until January 2nd, is allowing you to watch every episode of Clone Wars that has aired for free.  Go there and watch them all and then come back here and read my reviews on the episodes and why (to date) they’ve all been great.

So, email your entries to bigshinyrobot (at) gmail (dot) com and let us know your best defense for the prequel and on Saturday, with my review of Clone Wars, we’ll announce the winners.