BSR! CONTEST! Win a copy of the new Alan Moore documentary!

The Disinformation company (publisher of such fine documentaries as This Divided State and all of Robert Greenwalds documentaries) was kind enough to offer Big Shiny Robot! a few copies of the upcoming documentary film The Mindscape of Alan Moore. They offered us 5 to be exact. And these are very nice 2 disc sets and retail for $29.99.  There’s never been a better time to be a fan of the Big Shiny Robot!

We actually gave two away at a live broadcast of the Geekshow Podcast where they were gracious enough to have Swank-mo-tron on the air.  (The episode should go live on iTunes on Monday, I’m told, look for more information about that.)  And they’ll be giving a third copy away soon on their forum.  But that leaves Big Shiny Robot! two copies to give away to you, our faithful readers.

And in order to make this fair, we came up with a bit of a contest.

You’ve all read Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, right?

Well what we’d like to see are your ideas for what literary character you would want in a new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book.

Mail your answer (and the reason for it as well as your name and mailing address) to our Big Shiny Email! ( and we’ll post the best answers, but the top two picks will have a copy of this documentary shipped to them.  The deadline is Friday, September 19.  That will give us until Monday to pick a winner and you’ll have your DVD before this film even hits shelves on September 30th.

So, put your thinking caps on and get writing.

Also, be sure to check back next week, when we’ll have a roundtable review of The Mindscape of Alan Moore up.  And soon after that, we’ll post our interview with the film’s director, Dez Vylenz.