BLU-RAY REVIEW: Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo is a movie that never clicked for me upon its initial release. It was the second time I skipped a Pixar release during its initial run in theatres. (The first was Monsters Inc., which seemed like it would be boring to me.) Finding Nemo went on to be the highest grossing film of that year, and it still never saw a penny from me.

Years passed, I picked it up for my kids on DVD, and they loved it. They must have watched it a hundred times. But I still never saw it in its entirety. I’d only catches pieces here and there and not think too much about it.

I was sent the Blu-ray for review and I have to say: I’m an idiot for having missed this film. I love Andrew Stanton’s work and I have no idea why this would have been any different. It’s charming, heartwarming, extremely funny, and classic Pixar.

Why didn’t you guys tell me it was so good?

Perhaps it resonates more with me now that I’m a father? I was still a brand new father when it came out originally and it seemed like it would just be “another kids movie” when it came out, but I am still awed by how wrong I was. And so much credit has to go to Albert Brooks. That guy just has a funny voice and his timing is perfect. Even when he’s being serious he’s spot on.

As for the Blu-ray, like any film as high quality as Pixar makes, the Blu-ray elements look absolutely astounding. This film takes place mostly underwater and the volume and feel of that is never lost through the entire narrative.

Aside from the incredible film quality, the Blu-ray boasts a boatload of special features that would be of interest to any fan of film or student of story or animation.

You can (and should) pick up the Blu-ray in a 5-disc set for less than $25 on Amazon.

Here’s a peek at some of those great special features they featured on the Blu-ray, like this piece about original opening of the film:

And here’s a piece about flashbacks:

And here’s another one about Albert Brooks and never saying lines the same way twice: