Abrams and Cruise Back for M:I:IV

According to THR, JJ Abrams and Tom Cruise are officially attached to the fourth installment of the Mission: Impossible franchise. Abrams isn’t attached to specifically direct -he will be a producer instead- and there are questions about Cruise’s actual role in the film. Regardless, though, they seem to be aiming for a 2011 release…

Rumors circulated last year about a Paramount exec suggesting that Cruise would do well to merely produce another sequel and reboot the franchise with a younger star.

Though the ostensible meeting to discuss that scenario was denied by those who would know, the reteaming of Cruise and Abrams is intriguing for what it says — or leaves unanswered — about another installment.

Abrams has recently rebooted a moribund franchise by taking it back to its beginnings with a bunch of young, hot, relatively unknown actors. His “Star Trek,” released six weeks ago, has grossed $335 million worldwide so far.

Though Abrams is not on board to direct the new “Impossible,” he and Cruise could reconceive it in a way that is closer to the ensemble approach of the TV series.

Or they could reconfigure Cruise as Ethan Hunt in a less front-and-center role, as some kind of mentor to the new M:I crew. No writers have been hired to work on the fourth iteration of the franchise.

You can check out the full interview over at The Hollywood Reporter.com!