A New Buffy Movie sans Joss Whedon

Into every generation, a Slayer is born . . .

Turns out that’s more accurate than we originally thought.  First there was the 1992 Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie with Kristy Swanson and Pee-Wee Herman, then there was the television show starring Sarah Michelle Gellar that lasted 7 seasons, and now Whit Anderson is penning a script for a reboot to be released by Warner Brothers.

Kristy Swanson & Luke Perry in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie

No, I don’t know who Whit Anderson is, either, but her IMDB page reveals that she has acted in 3 films and has scripted . . . um, none.  I’m not quite sure how she even got involved in this project, but according to Hero Complex, she is a fan of the television series.  That’s a step in the right direction, at least, but fans aren’t thrilled that this will be a Whedon-less Buffy.  Myself included.

Joss Whedon wrote the script for the original film and is the creator and the guiding hand for the television series.  His devotees are loyal and have followed him from Firefly to Dollhouse (both short-lived series), but he wants no involvement in the new film: “I think that’s something better left untouched by me. So, I wish them luck,” he said in a 2009 interview.

This reboot could be a success, since fans are hungry for more Buffy, but I think they want more of the characters and actors they know and love.  Will we see Angel, Spike, Drusilla, or even Oz?  I doubt it.  (And Buffy without Spike is no Buffy at all!) Likely this story will feature mostly new characters.  It may not even be set in California, much less Sunnydale.  It’s impossible to predict what elements will remain from either the 1992 movie or the series.

However, it’s reasonable to assume the protagonist will be a girl named Buffy, and she slays vampires.  I also suspect she’ll have a Watcher.  Aside from that, it’s anyone’s guess.

I just hope it doesn’t suck.

“To make a vampire they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It’s like a whole big sucking thing.” – Buffy, “Welcome to the Hellmouth”